@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008158, author = {森, 大輔 and 伊東, 民雄 and 尾崎, 義丸 and 佐藤, 憲市 and 野呂, 秀策 and 平戸, 純子 and 中村, 博彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {北海道脳神経疾患研究所医誌 = Journal of Hokkaido Brain Research Foundation}, month = {Mar}, note = {Atypical teratoid / Rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is a rare, highly malignant CNS tumor manifesting in children with poor prognosis. Little is known regarding the character of this tumor. It has been demonstrated that patients arising in the posterior fossa and in the spinal cord have a tendency to be more in infants, and its prognosis is miserable, in contrast, patients arising in the supratentorial lesions have a tendency to be more in the elder, and its prognosis is more better in a study of AT/RT in Japan. A 6-year-old boy was admitted to hospital presenting with headache, nausea and left ptosis for 2 weeks. He was drowsy and the examination revealed left 3rd cranial nerve palsy, right arm hemiparesis. Cranial MRI showed a 8 cm left temporal mass. The tumor was totally removed via a pterional approach. Microscopically the tumor consists of mesenchymal differentiation exhibiting a spindle cell component and rhabdoid cells. In the immunohistochemistry of this tumor, INI 1 protein was negative. We diagnosed this tumor as AT/RT. He received radiation therapy (54Gy/30F ; whole brain : 24Gy + focal : 30Gy) and chemotherapy (ICE therapy). The tumor has not recurred for 7 months after surgery.}, pages = {43--47}, title = {側頭葉に発生したAtypical teratoid/Rhabdoid tumor(AT/RT)の1例}, volume = {18}, year = {2008} }