@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017246, author = {森口, 眞衣}, journal = {北海道生命倫理研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {In Japanese medical issues, the use of terms “Western medicine” and “Eastern medicine” seem to divide the category “medicine” into two twin concepts, based on the area. However, it can be said that “Eastern/Oriental medicine” is given a greatly different definition―that of a derived context―whereas Western medicine is often given a coherent definition―“new medicine transmitted to Japan from the outside” through a historic process. Consequently, the term Oriental/Eastern medicine has been given a strong characteristic of the polysemic word. The term Western/Oriental medicine has been used by medical institutions in Japan. In this field, the background as a polysemic word has been shared, and the state that the treatment accepted various contexts has been maintained so far. Nevertheless, given its newer context,―Oriental/Eastern medicine―has spreads in recent years, and there is a tendency toward the use of the new definition, passing over the conventional polysemic word. It is possible that a discrepancy between the background and context of the conventional polysemic word may occur. There is also concern regarding the confusion around the meaning of the term Eastern/Oriental medicine. This paper intend to rearrange the transition of the relationship between the concepts under the historic context and the meaning of Eastern/Oriental medicine as a polysemic word. \n}, pages = {10--25}, title = {「東洋医学」をめぐる文脈の問題 ―概念間関係の整理について―【原著論文】}, volume = {9}, year = {2021} }