@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016320, author = {石塚, 百合子 and 水戸, 優子 and 杉山, 厚子 and 木原, キヨ子 and 丸山, 知子}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Mar}, note = {看護学生が、新設4年制大学の入学した当初に、自己の選択した看護婦について、あるいは作業・理学療法士や医師についてどのようなイメージを持っているか、調査した。対象は、札幌医科大学保健医療学部看護学科の学生205名で、入学後まもない4月に実施した。イメージの調査は、Semantic Differential technique(以下、SD法)を用い、18尺度で7段階評定で直感的に回答させ、今後の追跡研究のため学生番号を記入させた。結果は、以下の通りであった。(a)看護学生は、おおむね看護職につくことを望んでいる。(b)看護婦に対する全般的イメージは非常に好意的・肯定的である。(c)しかし、看護婦に対して自由がないとみている。(d)他の医療専門職者よりも看護婦に対して好意的イメージがある。(e)医療専門職者に対するイメージは自由がないとみている。We conducted a study of student nurses in order to determine their image of their own occupational status and role, and that of PTs', OTs', and MDs' upon their becoming freshmen of a 4-year-course at university. The subjects for the study were two hundreds and five student nurses of Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University. The survey was carried out in April, soon after their entry to the University. Images of the intuitive impression were analyzed by semantic differential tech-nique(SD)and evaluated by 18 scales with 7 grades each. Students wrote their individual student numbers on the(survey sheet/questionnaire)to facilitate follow up study. The following results were obtained: a)The students want to become professional nurses. b)The perceived image of nurses is generally very good and positive. c)They imagine nurses to have very limited freedom. d)They have a better image of nurses than other medical professionals, e)Their image of other medical professionals is one of limited freedom.}, pages = {15--21}, title = {看護学生の看護婦、作業・理学療法士、医師のイメージ(1) : 入学後間もない時期}, volume = {1}, year = {1997} }