@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016319, author = {佐伯, 和子 and 深沢, 華子 and 加藤, 欣子 and 庄田, 順子}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Mar}, note = {在宅で高齢者を介護する配偶者および子ども379人に介護動機について質問紙による面接調査を行い、介護動機の内的構造と関連要因および続柄との関連を明らかにした。介護役割取得の動機は因子分析の結果、介護者の内的な動機である「家族扶養意識」、および外的社会的な期待に関連する動機である「他からの介護役割期待」、と「伝統的介護価値観」、そして物理的環境的条件と関連する「病院や施設に対する心配」と「物理的介護サポート条件」の5つの因子により構成されていた。外的社会的な期待に関連する動機因子は負担感との関連が高かった。介護動機を続柄別にみると、夫は扶養意識が高く、他からの期待と介護サポート条件が整っており、妻は他からの期待が非常に強くかつ扶養意識が高く、娘は施設に対する心配が大きく、息子は伝統的な介護価値観が作用し、嫁は伝統的な介護価値観が強く、婿は特に強い動機要因はみあたらなかった。The purpose of this study was to reveal caregiver's motivation structure and related factors. The subjects were 379 family caregivers who cared for frail elderly people at home. The date was collected by means of questionnaire given to the caregivers. Following results were obtained : 1. Caregiver's motivation was composed of 5 factors: "family support" based on internal motivation, "role expectations of others", " consciousness of traditional family care values" influenced by external and social expectations, "anxiety about the adequacy of alternative institutional care" and "high quality of caring" related to physical and environmental situations. 2. External and social motivations were counterbalanced with feelings of resistance to the high level of burden produced by the duties involved in the role of caregiver. 3. The caregiver's motivation depended on their position within the family. Husbands showed a high score in "family support" and "high quality of caring"; for wives, "role expectations of others " and "family support" were most important. Daughters had a high level of "anxiety about the adequacy of alternative institutional care"; sons were influenced by "consciousness of traditional family care values". Daughters-in-law were strongly influenced by "consciousness of traditional family care values, but they placed weak emphasis on "family support" . Sons-in-law showed no special motivation. Judging from these results, community health nurses need to assess the caregivers motivation, so that nurses can support them while respecting their intentions as caregivers.}, pages = {23--30}, title = {在宅介護者の介護動機の構造 : 続柄との関連に焦点をあてて}, volume = {1}, year = {1997} }