@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016297, author = {平野, 憲子 and 加藤, 欣子 and 佐伯, 和子 and 和泉, 比佐子}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は、痴呆性老人を介護する人々の認識を理解するために、アルツハイマー型痴呆性疾患の夫を介護する妻の夫に対する認識について検討した。対象は、年齢が妻、夫共に75歳以下で、現在、在宅で夫を介護している妻の4人である。方法は、自宅で半構成式面接を実施した。面接内容を逐語録で記述したものをデータとし、介護する妻の夫に対する認識を質的に分析した。結果は、アルツハイマー型痴呆性疾患の夫を介護する妻の夫に対する認識に、心理的に苦痛と感じる存在としての認識と共に暮らし続けたい存在としての認識に大別される15の認識が抽出された。それらの認識の強弱によりアルツハイマー型痴呆に罹患した病者としての夫と伴侶としての夫の認識がみられた。今回の事例の妻はいずれも伴侶としての夫として認識がみられ、在宅生活の安定性をもたらしていると考えられた。It is important to study about the home care of elderly people with Alzheimer-type dementia from various sides. This study examined elderly caregiver wives' perception of husbands with Alzheimertype dementia in order to gain some understanding of the thinking of people who care for elderly Alzheimer's patients. The participants in this study were four wives who currently care for their husbands at home. All the four wives and their husbands are seventy-five years old or less. The participants were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire at their home. All interviews were transcribed, and the data was analyzed using a qualitative method. Fifteen themes emerged from the interviews. These themes divided into two distinct perceptions of their husbands: as someone that makes the wives feel mental pain, and as someone with whom they want to continue living. In the former perception, the wives are thinking of their husband as patients, and in the latter as partners. Furthermore, the wives' recognition of their husbands as patients or partners depends on the strength of those perceptions. In the latter case, because the wives think of their husbands as partners rather than as patients, it enables them to continue to provide their husbands with a stable life.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {アルツハイマー型痴呆性疾患の夫を介護する妻の夫に対する認識}, volume = {3}, year = {2000} }