@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016276, author = {進藤, ゆかり and 皆川, 智子 and 住吉, 蝶子 and 門間, 正子}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Mar}, note = {帯状疱疹後神経痛を抱えた後期高齢患者に対して、痛みによる問題点や痛みが生活に与えた変化を明確にすることを目的として、半構成的面接を行った。75?79歳の男性外来患者4名を対象に、面接の明細な記述から『生活の有り様』について、質的に分析を行い、『生活の有り様』に対する8つのカテゴリーを抽出し、各カテゴリー間の関連性を明らかにした。高齢患者は痛みの程度により活力が増減するが、通院治療を生活に合わせて継続することによって生活を立て直し、痛みを抱えた生活に対処していた。患者の痛みの難治性の認識や患者の行動に対する周囲の憂慮的干渉が、患者に心理的に作用し、生活の立て直しに影響を与えていた。すなわち、高齢患者は生活を立て直すことによって痛みを抱えた生活に適応しようと努力しているが、この適応は患者自身の活力や行動、痛みの受け止め方や患者に対する周囲の反応等により影響を受けると考えられる。本研究の結果から、慢性疼痛を持つ高齢患者の痛みを抱えた生活の適応やQOLについて理解を深めることができ、今後の看護援助の方向性が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to provide a narrative of the daily life of elderly adult patients aged 75 years and over living at home with postherpetic neuralgia. It identified what big changes and problems persistent pain caused in their daily lives. The participants were four male outpatients aged from 75?79 years old, who had had postherpetic neuralgia for the last one to two years. The data were collected by semi?structured interviews, and analyzed using the constat comparative method. Eight common themes were identified which related to the elderly adult patient's life with chronic pain. The themes were related in the following ways: 1.In order to cope with the pain they modified their daily lives at home as well as their social activities. These modifications attempted to increase the patient's daily feeling of wellbeing and ability to control the pain through self control and hospital treatment.2.Behavioral changes were also made by patient in order to alleviate the pain. Attitude changes of the patients' families and friends towards the patient were partially responsible for their behavioral changes. The patients' families and friends tended to become more involved in the patients' daily lives, which in turn produced an attitude change in the patients towards their families and friends. Patients try to cope with the pain by understanding the disease. These findings expand our understanding about the quality of life of elderly patients with chronic pain and how they cope with their pain in their daily lives.}, pages = {85--93}, title = {帯状疱疹後神経痛を抱えた後期高齢患者の生活に関する研究}, volume = {4}, year = {2001} }