@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016266, author = {井瀧, 千恵子 and 門間, 正子 and 許, 栄海 and 森谷, 絜 and 武田, 秀勝}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は、看護学科3年生5名を対象に、15週間の臨地実習をストレッサーと考え、実習後のPOMS(Profile of Mood States)の変化、NK細胞活性の回復過程について検討した。感情の変化については、臨地実習終了直後に比べ、実習終了2週後は、「緊張?不安」、「抑うつ?落ち込み」、「疲労」、「混乱」が有意に低い結果を示した(p<0.05)。また、実習終了直後と実習終了6週後を比較すると、「緊張?不安」、「抑うつ?落ち込み」、「疲労」、「混乱」が有意に低い値を示した(p<0.05)。NK細胞活性は、実習終了後と実習終了2週後、実習終了2週後と実習終了6週後では、有意な差は認められなかった。しかし実習終了直後に比べ実習終了2週後が、NK細胞活性は低い値が観察された。このことから、実習終了2週後は感冒などに罹患しやすいと推察される。以上のことから、臨地実習後の学生は、実習終了直後だけでなく実習終了2週以降まで心身両面の健康に留意する必要があると思われる。今後は対象を増やし、検討することが課題である。Considering the 15-weeks on-site practical training as a stressor, this study examined the change of the Profile of Mood States(POMS)and the recovery process of the NK cell activity among 5 junior students in Department of Nursing after the training. As for the emotional change, the parameters such as "Thention-Anxienty," "Depression-Dejection," "Fatigue," and "Confusion" were significantly lower at the 2 weeks after the training than soon after it (p<0.05). Also, the parameters such as "Thention-Anxienty," "Depression- Dejection," "Fatigue," and "Confusion" were significantly lower at the 6 weeks after the training than soon after it(p<0.05). No significant difference was obtained for the NK cell activity when it was compared between 2 weeks after the training and soon after it and between 6 weeks after the training and soon after it. These results can be utilized for the health education for students who just finished their on-site practical training. Further study with more subjects is needed in the future.}, pages = {51--55}, title = {看護学生の臨地実習後の感情とNK細胞活性に関する検討}, volume = {5}, year = {2002} }