@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016217, author = {石塚, 百合子 and 今野, 美紀 and 上村, 浩太}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {本報告は幼児期に軽度発達障がいを示す児童を早期に発見し、対応する必要性から、S市M保健センターの12年間の調査に基づき実施した内容である。対象は1歳6ヶ月児健診の発達相談受診児813人と継続支援の必要な乳幼児精神発達相談受診児289人であった。発達相談は男児が女児の3倍多く、言語発達(発語)上の問題が多かった。次に多かったのは養育上の問題で近年増加傾向にあった。乳幼児精神発達相談の初診経路別では1才6ヶ月児健診から11人、保護者から4人、3才児健診から3人が軽度発達障害と診断され早期に専門医療を受けることができた。1才6ヶ月児健診では、発語がなくても応答指さし、欲求指さしや大人に視線をあわせられること、手先が器用であることは発達が正常範囲であることが示唆された。This report discusses the necessity of early discovery and prompt response to developmental disorders in infants, who were checked at M public health center in S city for the past 12 years.The subjects of this study were 813 children at their 18-month checkup for developmental disorders and 289 children with mental disorders who were advised to have further consultation at the health center.Numbers of consultation for boys were 3 times larger than for girls. Speech trouble was the most common problem and the next was child-rearing problems which have increased recently. Referral routes for the primary check were as follows: 11 cases from the 18-month checkup, 4 cases from their parents and 3 cases from the 3-year checkup. Consultation for these cases resulted in diagnosis of mild development disorders and early treatment by specialists was successful.At the 18-month checkup, active or reactive finger pointing, meeting the eyes of the adult and skilled or unskilled finger use may be related to the ability to understand and to development in the non-verbal period.}, pages = {79--84}, title = {幼児期・軽度発達障がい児と家族への支援}, volume = {8}, year = {2005} }