@article{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016209, author = {高橋, 英子 and 山田, 正二 and 武田, 秀勝 and 宮下, 洋子 and 山田, 惠子}, journal = {札幌医科大学保健医療学部紀要 = Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University, Bulletin of School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University}, month = {Dec}, note = {無煙世代をつくるための実効的な禁煙・防煙教育プログラムの作成を目的として、専門学校生(男子446人、女子417人)を対象に、喫煙意識・習慣のアンケートによる実態調査、呼気中一酸化炭素(CO)濃度測定、視聴覚教材を使った禁煙教育を行った。男子学生の40.5%(1年生)、59.8%(2年生)、女子学生の9.0%(1年生)、21.4%(2年生)が喫煙習慣を有していた。男子喫煙者(16.1本/日)と女子喫煙者(6.3本/日)の呼気中CO濃度はそれぞれ8.4±3.9ppm、5.2±2.5ppmであり、男女ともに非喫煙者の濃度(男子;2.5±1.8、女子;2.0±1.8)より有意に高かった(P<0.01)。プログラム終了後に、男子喫煙者の91.7%、女子喫煙者の75.1%が禁煙あるいは減煙を決意した。呼気中CO 濃度測定の喫煙防止教育への導入は、喫煙の害の自覚的認識を可能にした。これらの結果から、呼気中CO濃度測定の導入は喫煙防止教育の効果を上げるための有効な手段であることが示唆された。The present study aimed to establish an effective tobacco-preventing and cessation program to create a nonsmoker generation. The study consisted of a questionnaire survey, measurement of the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in the breath and audiovisual education of vocational school students (446 males and 417 females). Among males, 40.5% of freshmen and 59.8% of second-year students were smokers, whereas among females, 9.0% of freshmen and 21.4% of second-year students were smokers. The CO concentrations in the breath of male smokers (16.1/day) and female smokers (6.3/day) were 8.4±3.9ppm and 5.2±2.5ppm, respectively, and were higher than those of nonsmokers (males, 2.5±1.8ppm; females, 2.0±1.8ppm) (p<0.01). After the program, 91.7% of male smokers and 75.1% of female smokers decided to give up smoking or reduce smoking. Introduction of measurement of the CO concentration in the breath enables students to easily recognize the risk of smoking. The results suggest that measurement of the CO concentration in the breath is an effective approach for a smoking cessation program.}, pages = {17--23}, title = {専門学校生に対する呼気CO濃度測定を用いた実効的禁煙教育}, volume = {9}, year = {2006} }