@techreport{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014126, author = {小島, 満}, issue = {1-6}, month = {}, note = {More than twenty years have already passed since I started my work in Sapporo Medical University. It is well said that time flies like an arrow. In this report, I will survey the history and progress of “Division of Information Sciences” to which I now belong. The central issues of my survey will be the researches in which I have participated, and the changes of the lectures I have undertaken so far in this school. For the lecture, I cover the contents of the subjects “Information Sciences” and “Statistics” respectively and also the teachers who have been in charge of these lectures. For the research, the following will be taken up: I) Development of User Oriented Medical Database System, II) Analysis of Permeability Blood-Retinal Barrrier employing Eyeball Model, III) Measurement of Bone Density in Rats with the Soft X-Ray Digital images. These three topics include part of the ongoing research I have been concerned with since I was in Asahikawa Medical University. I am very honored if you will read all this with much interest.}, title = {『情報科学教室』のあゆみ}, year = {2013} }