@misc{oai:sapmed.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010435, author = {山蔭, 道明 and 石山, 由紀恵}, month = {Dec}, note = {I participated in the 8th Meeting of Clinical Research Coordinator and Clinical Research in Kanazawa from Oct. 11th to 12th, 2008. The objective of this meeting, which was sponsored by the Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (JSHP) this year, is to understand the role of clinical research coordinators (CRC) and to promote training programs for CRC in Japan. Approximately 2,000 people (e.g., CRC, doctors, pharmacists, etc.) participated in this meeting and discussed important matters and questions each other. The meeting consisted of 3 educational lectures, 9 symposiums, 3 planned sessions, 6 mini-symposiums, and 3 luncheon seminars. This meeting also included 172 poster presentations and some exhibitions. The main theme was the “drug lag”, which means delayed or unavailable use of important medicines/medical equipments in Japan, and the importance of quality and quantity of CRC was emphasized. It is expected that the Clinical Research Center in our hospital would function further to make clinical researches progress better.}, title = {「第8回CRCと臨床試験のあり方を考える会議2008 in 金沢」に参加して}, year = {2008} }